Our choice of interacting learning subject method will be the gamification and interaction with learning materials. On a video site called Bilibli, it offers a video format that allows viewers to interact. After each video clip, a multiple choice question is inserted and the answer to the question determines what is shown next. For example when students are confronted with a video clip giving a type of investor and then choose one of the investment options, the next clip content could be an explanation and scoring of the corresponding option.
The video is requiring the learners to play the “game” to continue the video, which force the learner to make the application of the concept. For example, with the basic financial concept, learner can come up different combination about the investment to help game character get the maximum earning within the certain principle.
I suggest the learner to watch the video and put themselves into the role of the game by trying to apply the financial knowledge they had learnt, such as the formula and some index, to weigh up the pros and cons of different investment options. They can think of themselves as the protagonists in the game and choose the final investment option based on their desired return and risk tolerance. The game will objectively score the investment options based on how well they match the returns and risks of the protagonist’s investment type.

This activity will help them apply what they have learnt to real life situations. As we have housewives among our students, we hope that they will not only gain this knowledge, but also feel that it can be practically applied in their lives, helping them to better allocate and utilise their family’s wealth.
The video is likely to be set up to score based on a fixed portfolio of investments. Therefore, after the game has been scored, we will discuss and communicate with the students to understand their reasons and ideas for making this investment option. The teacher can make additional changes to the scoring of the game. This is because there is no single correct answer to an investment plan. It is the proper explanation of the investment plan and the achievement of the expected return that is most important.
This work requires the teacher to present the concept of knowledge in the form of video. That also requires the author to find the right place to insert the title. This may increase the teachers’ jobs. However we believe it is worth to do that, since this kind of interaction method will increase the students’ enthusiasm of learning the new concept. And also this kind of interaction media have a high inter-community. Which mean one media work can repeatedly use in different group of student and different time.
2023-03-14 — 1:28 pm
Hi Jack! It sounds like you found a fantastic video! I really like the “gamification” aspect of it. That would certainly help the learning stick. You could also offer students scenarios yourself to let them s find the ways/steps needed to build their financial portfolio. You can use an h5p branching plugin in WordPress – https://wordpress.org/plugins/h5p/.
It would be helpful if you could add a link or embed this video into your blog.